Medical Terminology with Case Studies: A Navigated Guide to Learning for Health Care Professionals Third Edition
Medical Terminology With Case Studies: A Navigated Guide to Learning for Health Care Professionals, Third Edition, is a fun, engaging, and easy-to-read resource on medical terminology for allied health students in athletic training, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and more.
Featuring such memorable characters as Skully, the pirate skeleton, and Tango, his trusty parrot, Medical Terminology With Case Studies contains colorful illustrations throughout the text along with tear-out worksheets for students at the end of each chapter. The book is appropriate for students in both college and high school settings.
The textbook is divided into three sections, each one covering key concepts and ideas related to medical terminology:
- Section I: A general overview of medical terminology, delving into its uses, purposes, and career-specific applications across specialties
- Section II: An in-depth examination of the specific body systems (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, gastrointestinal, integumentary, endocrine, urinary, reproductive, and sensory) and the associated prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms that go along with them
- Section III: Appendices, including medical abbreviations, ICD/CPT medical coding, and pharmacology terms
Updated features in the Third Edition include:
- New terms throughout
- Updated graphics throughout
- New case studies
- New chapter on health professions
- Updated chapter bibliographies
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